Wednesday, May 18, 2011

An hour to launch

 We are counting down the minutes until we start sailing to Mexico.  It took a great deal of preparation to get here in the last few days.  We had to get import/export papers, US customs to come to the boat and check out the hull number, lots of reshuffling of items to be stowed on the boat and many errands.  We now have two captains who are taking us to Ensenada, Mexico.  It's an exciting time anticipating  the journey and we have heard that we are in for a bumpy ride.  The captain is saying we are going to experience 6-9 foot swells and waves that are close together.  And to top it all off, we're sailing all night, starting around 10pm and going for about 8 hours.  If there is a time when we will get seasick this is it.  Fortunately, we took Bonine so we should be ok.  This is going to be a great test to see how we will fare in the world of cruising. 

Good news as we now have our hats with the boats logo on it.  Our next post will be from Ensenada.

1 comment:

  1. How exciting!! I love your hats. It's 3pm on May 19th so I guess you're already in Mexico by now. Hope all went well. Did Neil drive the VW with the cats or did they sail to Mexico with you? Well, did you get sea sick? Did the cats?
    Can't wait to hear the next saga of this amazing adventure!!!
